A thorough search

Companies have long recognised the necessity of conducting a thorough search and assessment when hiring executives. Here at Osander, we believe that the same principles should also be applied when hiring executive assistants. 


We understand that the performance of an executive, as well as the success of their company, relies on finding assistants of the highest calibre talent and with the right personality, who both match and complement an executive’s role and style.

how we search for your Compatible candidates

Analysis & profile description


Search > long list >
> short list


Presentations, hiring & onboarding


When you speak to Osander, you speak to someone who knows your world

Find your staff fast

We hire quickly

Find the right executive. Check

We get the right match

Onboarding and helping

We retain your talent

A Fast recruitment process

Our niche expertise and our own executive assistant backgrounds enable a quick recruitment process with pre-assessed candidates. Osander’s method includes testing, job simulations, and cases to ensure finding the highest quality talent and the right organisational fit. The search and assessment process lasts on average 3-5 weeks, including the gathering of references prior to client presentations.